حفل توزيع @السهادات لتنمية قدرات العاملين ببالهيئة وتنفيذ البرنامج من قبل المنتدىفريق العمل مع معالى السفير رئيس هيئة الإستعلامات

Global Forum for Media and Development (GFMD) provided some Information Technology  courses to the staff of State Information Service ,to develop the capacity of the staff of the Authority, which is one of the objectives of the Forum, under the supervision of Ambassador Salah Abdul Sadiq,  , Chairman of State information service.

• The first session of 26-27 April 2015 and 3-4 May 2015

 Entitled “How to implement and monitor media campaigns” through social access networks in the period

• Second Session, 2-4 June 2015

Entitled Organizing media campaigns and practical applications of electronic media used in the new media

• The third session was held a training course for employees of the State Information Service under the program of e-marketing skills and social media.

training courses from 30/8/2015 to 1/9/2015

The social media course includes the following points

1- Awareness of electronic media used in the field of information

2 – Definitions and concepts of mass media

3 – Explain the principles and foundations of social media

4 – The importance of social media

5. Awareness of the role of social media

6. Use of software and applications

7- Designing a media site using modern technologies

Program schedule

The program is offered within 4 days a week

Interactive web site design

Was Required:-

20 trainees in each group + internet access Facility

Certificate form delivered to students and signed by the head of the Information Service and Secretary General of the

Global Forum for Media and Development (GFMD) provided some Information Technology courses to the staff of State Information Service ,to develop the capacity of the staff of the Authority, which is one of the objectives of the Forum, under the supervision of Ambassador Salah Abdul Sadiq, Chairman of State information service.