IMG_2345 مع رئيس هيئة الإستعلامات حفل توزيع @السهادات لتنمية قدرات العاملين ببالهيئة وتنفيذ البرنامج من قبل المنتدى فريق العمل مع معالى السفير رئيس هيئة الإستعلامات

A new course was designed by the team of   GFMD /EGYPT, to enhance the skills of Egypt information service’s Staff

The course aims at seeking excellence, career advancement and skills development to the state information service ‘staff

Training period for employees of sis for Information and in cooperation with the Global Forum for Media and Development /Egypt

Training course in the field of community media and training on:

 Use media and social media to develop work and improve the social media marketing

 Social website industry

 Advertising on means of communication and practical exercises