by mona | Sep 9, 2023 | Events & News, Videos
Lions and Leos who wish to pursue leadership roles within their club will benefit from the ELLI, where they will learn the history and goals of Lions Clubs International and the Foundation, develop strategies for being an effective leader and collaborate with a...
by mona | Jul 21, 2023 | Events & News, Reports
بحث-خاص-بالمجلس-العربى-للطفولةDownload الطفل العربى ورؤية جديدة للرقابة فى ظل السموات المفتوحة النقاط الهامة التي يتناولها ا لبحث دور الرقابة وكيفية حفظ التوازن بين حماية الأطفال والنشئ وبين إطلاق الحريات باستخدام نظام التصنيف العمرى للمواد...
by mona | Jul 20, 2023 | Events & News, Videos
The “Arab Lions Clubs Twenty Conference” under the theme of “Climate, Environment, and Community Development” will take place from January 12th to 15th, 2023. This conference is organized by Lions Clubs in all Arab countries, taking into...
by Tamer Farkouh | Jan 10, 2023 | Events & News, Videos
Maxim & GFMD Protocol “Your role to make others happy” is an Egyptian Maxim foundation initiative in cooperation with the Global Forum for Media and Development The initiative “Your role to make others happy” was launched in a ceremony attended by a group of...
by Tamer Farkouh | Jan 10, 2023 | Events & News, Videos
Mabra Elmaadi Hospital This film was produced by the Global Forum for Media and Development /Global Compact United Nations, as a kind of appreciation of the great role played by Garden City lions club ,which consider to be a role model of a very good NGO ‘s in Egypt ....