About Us
Global Forum for Media and Development (The Forum) is a registered non-governmental, non-profit organization. It is neither connected nor affiliated with any political parties or religious institutions. It relies on its founders’ monthly contributions and expected revenues from projects, programmes, events, and publications.

Guiding Principles
- Participation in the Forum’s activities is open to all individuals and organizations whose objectives and activities conform to the Vision and Mission Statement of the Forum.
- The Forum believes in valued relations in change through services and subscribes to good governance and democratic means of advocacy. Good governance is meant responsibility, transparency, and accountability. Democratic means of advocacy are related in the context of the Forum to cultural heritage, consent, and participatory processes. Valued relations is meant dignity, integrity, and mutual respect.
Our Mission & Vision
The Forum has a vision of a world of equal opportunities
The Forum aims to maximize the use of media, knowledge and services for the sustainable development of a world of equal opportunities
Our Role & Objective
The Forum acts as a contributor to change, a vehicle for policy-makers, practitioners and scholars
Realizing the crucial role of media in determining the multidimensionality of development and recognizing social responsibility

News & Events
Recent Videos
Training Center for African Media Professionals in Cairo & its 44th session at Maspiro
Training Center for African Media Professionals in Cairo & its 44th session at Maspiro https://youtu.be/1x8gunXBiV4
Elizabeth Harderer in Women Symposium (Tunisia)
https://youtu.be/bDTFMoROR_Y So lucky to meet PID (past International Director) in Europe Elizabeth Hardener during women symposium 3rd Lions African Forum in Tunisia Yes do Lucky to meet a role model of an empowered woman whom generate a very positive energy to all...
Sarah Buki interview with GFMD General Secretary
https://youtu.be/uqCWjcvM6xU https://youtu.be/uqCWjcvM6xU
signing a Protocol betweenGFMD and Arab west understanding foundation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF-lTJ2drkA Partnership between (GFMD)After signing a Protocol betweenGFMD and Arab west understanding foundation A symposium was held in Maadi ,targeting to raise awareness of the importance of parliamentary life in Egypt , that was...
Woman Symposium Collaborate between Lions Clubs D.352 year 2017/18 and Egyptian women council
The Little Inventor (DocDrama film)
Avery impressive Documentary Film Produced By:- Global Forum for Media &Development Team:- MONA ELSAGHIR ...