Strategic Objectives
contributor to change, a vehicle for policy-makers
The Forum acts as a contributor to change, a vehicle for policy-makers, practitioners and scholars, and an instrument for the revival of the almost extinct cultural goods of particular indigenous groups. It also serves as a platform for discussing media and development issues, and as a network with similar organizations and networks.
News & Events
GFMD interview with the winner of 1st award for Mohamed Ben Fahd prize award
https://youtu.be/cVeJT3EPjgI?si=rd_VvAWnfCQnVtRw at 24th of October at four season plaza ceremony of Mohamed Ben Fahd prize award for civil organizations and foundations
In a special gesture of appreciation, we celebrate today an exceptional figure Ambassador MONA OMAR
https://youtu.be/VH-nRDqJDpw?si=nwTmOdT6MVMvY95t In a special gesture of appreciation, we celebrate today an exceptional female figure who has contributed immensely to Egyptian diplomacy and women's rights. Ambassador [MONA OMAR ], who chaired the International...
Women and Sports day for peace
https://youtu.be/MDiL5JkDDGE?si=2Ci1ZFhin594pGyc Cairo, September 26, 2024 - On the occasion of the International Peace Day, usually marked on September 21st of each year, and within the context of promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)...
Bpw international Candle light ceremony
Celebration of 94 Anniversary Bpw international Candle light ceremony Instalment of new young BPW members 27 August 2024 We have come together to participate in a special tribute to one of the world most influential organization ,The International Federation of...
Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI) Teaser Video
https://youtu.be/itcTPPR231k Lions and Leos who wish to pursue leadership roles within their club will benefit from the ELLI, where they will learn the history and goals of Lions Clubs International and the Foundation, develop strategies for being an effective leader...
Nader Abbassy famous maestro interview with lions international club/Egypt
https://youtu.be/ETPB9zfQv9k Nader Abbassy famous maestro interview with lions international club/Egypt at le pacha on 19may 2023 interviewed with Karima Awad famous anchor speaking about his life journey successes and the...
Great lion’s international gathering in Egypt Oct/2023
https://youtu.be/4FsdbIMvb1U 1st time in Egypt a great lion's international board meeting started with a very successful media press conference
Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI)
https://youtu.be/K17JJf7rWrI?si=t7HMyRngswe0UYHh EG 0:00 / 17:02 Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) Lions who wish to pursue leadership roles with their larger Lions community can learn about club operations, opportunities and resources at RLLI. Find out if...
Mona Makram ebied teaser
https://youtu.be/soWTG-9eP2Q?si=Mj9qxzJw-CSSc8uW 0:11 / 3:00 Mona Makram ebied teaser
Dr.Mona Makram Ebied interview with GFMD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRxDK7CvOoM Autobiography speech for Dr.Mona Makram Ebied representing her life memories and her history career 1 Dr. Mona Makram Ebeid remains an active leader, sitting on numerous boards and councils dedicated to progress,...